• Українська
  • English
ISSN 2415-3400 (Online)
ISSN 1028-821X (Print)


Berdnik, SL, Katrich, VA, Nesterenko, MV, Penkin, YM

V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University
4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine
E-mail: beserbox@gmail.com

Language: Russian

Rectangular waveguide junctions are widely used in antennas and waveguide devices, therefore studying of their electrodynamic characteristics is important for practical application. Mathematical model of diffraction fields for E-plane T-junction of rectangular waveguides with a vibrator-slot coupling structure was built using the approximate analytical solution of the equations system for the currents by the generalized method of induced electro-magneto-motive forces. The model is characterized by the variable surface impedance on the monopole and constant surface impedance, distributed over the end wall of the semi-infinite waveguide. Multi-parameter studies of energy characteristics for the T-junction in the wavelength range of single-mode waveguides were carried out. The possibility of effective use of the impedance monopole as a control element for power dividing between the output shoulders of the junction in predetermined proportions has been shown.

Keywords: impedance coating, impedance vibrator, resonant slot, waveguide junction

Manuscript submitted 10.12.2014
PACS 07.57.-c
Radiofiz. elektron. 2015, 20(1): 85-93
Full text (PDF)

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