Vakula, А, Belous, А, Kalmykova, T, Petrushenko, S, Sukhov, V, Tarapov, S |
Organization: O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of NAS of Ukraine Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Vernadsky Institute of general and inorganic chemistry of NAS of Ukraine V. Karazin National University of Kharkov E-mail: tanya.kalmykova1@gmail.com |
https://doi.org/10.15407/rej2017.04.074 |
Language: Russian |
Abstract: Complexes of magnetic nanoparticles with organic molecules are one of the materials studied today, since they have a number of unique properties. The method of monitoring the state of such complexes is poorly developed. In this paper, by monitoring ferromagnetic resonance and electron microscopic studies, the state of the nanoparticles is established, which determines their magnetic interaction. It is shown that the organic matter forms a shell around nanoparticles. As a result, the magnetic interaction between the nanoparticles in the sample is reduced. It was found that the degree of magnetic interaction between nanoparticles is determined by the organic matter. Selection of the organic matter can control the magnetic properties of nanoparticles. |
Keywords: conglomerate, dipole-dipole interaction, exchange interaction, ferromagnetic resonance, magnetic nanoparticles |
Manuscript submitted 05.09.2017
PACS 75.50.Gg; 76.50+g
Radiofiz. elektron. 2017, 22(4): 74-77
Full text (PDF)
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