• Українська
  • English
ISSN 2415-3400 (Online)
ISSN 1028-821X (Print)


Bilous, RI, Martynyuk, SP, Motornenko, AP, Skuratovskiy, IG

O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
12, Proskura st., Kharkov, 61085, Ukraine
Е-mail: briz@ire.kharkov.ua

Language: Russian

The resonance structures serve as the basis for many electronic devices. Therefore the creation of the effective tunable resonator is the actual and important problem. Using of the waveguide-dielectric resonator insures opportunity for the mechanical frequency tuning over a wide range but at the same time the Q-factor is changed. The last investigations suggested that the decrease of the eigen Q-factor of the tuning waveguide-dielectric resonator in the section of the circular cut-off waveguide can be decreased by using the resonance short-circuit plunger calculated on the given frequency. The investigations have been conducted for the 3-cm waveband. This paper is devoted to investigation of the possibility to increase Q-factor of the resonator of the waveguide-dielectric type in the millimeter band where influence of the contact imperfection between the plunger and waveguide walls is essential. As a result of the conducted investigations the Q-factor more than 2 000 in over the band of the tuning frequency was obtained for the resonator made of the section of the circuit cut-off waveguide with the Teflon dielectric in the 8-mm waveband.

Keywords: eigen frequency and Q-factor, evanescent waveguide, waveguide-dielectric resonator

Manuscript submitted 07.10.2014
PACS 07.57.-c; 77.22.-d
Radiofiz. elektron. 2015, 20(1): 81-84
Full text (PDF)

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