Kogut, AE, Dolia, RS, Nosatiuk, SO, Jaochan, H |
Organization: O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine East China Research Institute of "Light control" | |
Language: russian |
Abstract: The spectral and energy characteristics of the shielded halfspherical resonator at the forced oscillations mode are investigated experimentally at using of the slot-line. It is shown that the use of slot-line allows maximally rarefying the spectrum of forced oscillations of the shielded resonators with an exceptional allocation of whispering gallery modes and achieving the greatest Q-factor. The experimental investigation and computer simulation show that the slot-line is a channel waveguide having the resonance properties. |
Keywords: electromagnetic characteristics, shielded dielectric resonator, slot-line, whispering gallery modes |
Manuscript submitted 21.05.2015 г.
PACS 41.20.-q
Radiofiz. elektron. 2015, 20(3): 49-54
Full text (PDF)
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