Kabanov, VA |
Organization: O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
https://doi.org/10.15407/rej2016.03.011 |
Language: Russian |
Abstract: Methods for passive sensing the atmosphere in the microwave range are one of important directions of remote sensing of environmental protection. To develop simple and cost-effective technical solutions and radiometric measuring techniques is an important task. A simple mobile radiometric system of 3-cm wavelength range designed for meteorological research has been presented. The radiometer is made on the basis of modulation scheme with some features of construction elements and input calibration. A method for accurate determination of the sky brightness temperature used for calibrating radiometric system has been proposed. A variant of constructing a radiometer with the use of satellite converter gas been implemented. |
Keywords: attenuator, brightness temperature, calibration, radiometer |
Manuscript submitted 01.04.2016
PACS 92.60.H-; 92.60.If; 92.60.Ta; 93.85.-q
Radiofiz. elektron. 2016, 21(3): 11-17
Full text (PDF)
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