Belous, RI, Skuratovskiy, IG, Khazov, OI, Shakhova, AS |
Organization: O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of NAS of Ukraine | |
Language: Russian |
Abstract: Tunable resonant structures serve as the basis for many microwave devices (generators, filters, wavemeters). One of the varieties of these structures is waveguide-dielectric and waveguide-coaxial resonators on the evanescent waveguides (WDR and WCR). |
Keywords: evanescent waveguide, Q-factor, resonance frequency, short-circuit plunger, waveguide-coaxial resonator |
Manuscript submitted 18.09.2017
PACS 07.57.-с; 77.22.-d
Radiofiz. elektron. 2017, 22(4): 82-87
Full text (PDF)
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